What dishes should you try in Valencia?

It's hard to imagine a vacation in Valencia without experiencing its traditional cuisine. Valencian cuisine is typical Mediterranean cuisine, combining the spirit and mood of the region, as well as the culture and mentality of its inhabitants.
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Dishes to Try in Valencia

Food lovers will find incredibly delicious and fresh seafood and fruits, exquisite wines, and masterful dishes in Valencia. If you’re in Valencia, here’s a list of dishes you absolutely must try here.


Paella (паэлья)
Paella (паэлья)

Paella is a national Valencian dish made of rice, meat, and vegetables, cooked in a pan over a fire.

Delicious paella is cooked on Malvarrosa Beach in restaurants with centuries-old histories:

On El Saler Beach at the Arrocería Duna restaurant (on Google Maps), located right in the dunes.

Drink Orxata

Orxata (орчата)
Orxata (орчата)

Orxata is a non-alcoholic refreshing drink. In Valencia, the popular orxata de xufes is made from water, chufa tubers (also known as tiger nuts), and sugar. Locals drink orxata with freshly baked fartons. Orxata is a nutritious product, considered a plant milk with high starch, fat, sugar, and protein content, as well as minerals and vitamins, including phosphorus, potassium, vitamins E, C, and biotin.

You can try orxata at horchaterias:

Arròs a banda

Arròs a banda
Arròs a banda, photo javier lastras

Arròs a banda is rice cooked in fish broth with pieces of fish and seafood.

Arròs negre

Arròs negre
Arròs negre, photo Dirk Tibax

Arròs negre is rice with seafood. The dish gets its dark color from squid ink, which also enhances the seafood flavor.


Fideuá, photo Jorge Díaz

Fideuá is prepared in a wide flat pan using fish broth with the addition of seafood and noodles. Pearl noodles are used, which are thicker, curved, and have a hole in the middle.

All i pebre

All i pebre
All i pebre, photo Kent Wang

All i pebre is eel stewed with potatoes. The dish is made with eel (or another fish), potatoes, garlic, red and hot peppers, pine nuts.

Alaons – Dishes Made with Salted Fish

Moixama, photo Tamorlan

Moixama is fillet of tuna cured in salt.

Tonyina de sorra
Tonyina de sorra, photo Kiko

Tonyina de sorra is salted tuna belly. It is also very tasty when grilled.

Llet merengada

Llet merengada
Llet merengada, photo jetextramar

Llet merengada is a delicious, healthy, and refreshing milk-based drink with a cinnamon-lemon flavor. It is used in making ice cream, milkshakes, and sherbets.


Bunyols, photo Dr.Francostein1975

Bunyols are fried doughnuts, sometimes round, sometimes ring-shaped. They can be sweet, salty, or have fish. Traditionally made for Fallas.

Here is another list of my favorite restaurants.

Mihail Schwarz
Mihail Schwarz
Статей: 1904


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