Street art and contemporary art of Valencia

Valencia is considered the "Mecca" of urban art. Walking through the El Carmen neighborhood, you will discover street art.
Стрит-арт и современное искусство Валенсии
Street Art and Contemporary Art of Valencia

Street art is an integral part of Valencia, respected and appreciated by locals and city guests. Tourists—artists and enthusiasts, as well as just curious people from around the world—come here to admire the graffiti. In Valencia, several graffiti routes have even been established.

I’ve prepared a map of the most interesting works for you:

El Carmen District

The vibrant character of the «informal» El Carmen (El Barrio del Carmen) district and its inhabitants is immediately noticeable. It has its own aura. The area remarkably combines historical epochs and modern fashion trends in the form of street art.

The name Barrio del Carmen comes from the Carmelite monastery located here in the 13th century. It was situated between two fortress walls—the 11th-century Muslim and the 14th-century Christian walls. The walls did not survive to our days and were destroyed in the 19th century, but the Serrano and Quart gate towers remain.

Walking through the streets, you can see many interesting, and sometimes masterfully done, graffiti. Local street art is known for its artistry and vibrancy, having been created using mixed techniques: quality paints were used along with aerosols. The facades and walls of the district have turned into canvases with works by David de Limón (Valencian ninjas), Eskif, Julieta XLF, Deih, La nena wapa wapa, and Barbi.

Carrer d’En Gordo

Граффити на Carrer d’En Gordo
Graffiti on Carrer d’En Gordo

Carrer d’En Gordo is especially popular among street artists (on Google Maps). Graffiti by local street artists is adorned on abandoned and dilapidated buildings.

In addition to modern street art, check out the contemporary architecture of City of Arts and Sciences.

Mihail Schwarz
Mihail Schwarz
Статей: 1918


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